Cop’s CopyLock II

(World's oldest copy protection?)

First released in 1984, CopyLock, our DOS protection that locks programs to floppy disks, is still alive and kicking.

The current version is 4.65, and we continue to maintain and improve this product. Most improvements these days are aimed at making CopyLock protected programs run better in DOS boxes and making sure that key diskette can be recognized by the newest and fastest machines.


Production on Win95/98

We get a lot of calls regarding production on Windows 95 machines. CopyLock itself is too strict to produce a reliable set of key diskettes while running under Windows 95.

The following will enable you to produce key diskettes in Windows 95 :

If you don’t have a shortcut to CopyLock, create one. Right-click on your CopyLock icon, and select properties. Choose the “Program” page, and press the Advanced button. Enable the MS-DOS mode option and select Ok. CopyLock will now be started by Windows 95 in a DOS-mode which is required for key diskette production.

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