Link Data Security and Goldensoft to work together

The Beijing Goldensoft Company, one of China's leading security firms, currently supplying almost 50% of the Chinese dongle market, has carried out intensive testing of all available CD-ROM protection systems. Link's CD-Cops out-perfomed all others on more than 60 different computers running various operating systems and CD-ROM drives. On the basis of these impressive test results from Chinese National TestLab (CSTC), Link Data was invited to visit Goldensoft in Beijing to negotiate a contract whereby Goldensoft will distribute and support CD-Cops on the Chinese market. After two days of hard work, an agreement was reached.

July 22nd a press conference was held in the conference rooms of The Beijing Friendship Hotel, Asia's largest garden style hotel.


Signing the papers.

Link Data Security's CEO Hans K. Pedersen with Goldensoft's General Manager George Chen, during recent contract negotiations.


Goldensoft and Link together.

From left to right: Yaning Chen, Sales mgr, Bill Xuan, Deputy mgr, Kim Valentin of Finanhuset, Link's financial advisor
Link CEO, Hans K. Pedersen, Goldensoft General Mgr. George Chen, Technical Coordinator, Glen Wu.


In the Forbidden City.

Financial advisor Kim Valentin and Link's Hans Pedersen. Taking time off from intense negotiations for a little sight-seeing in Beijing.


 Link Data Security A/S, Vesterbrogade 51, 1620 Copenhagen V, Denmark
Phone +45 33 23 23 50, Fax +45 33 23 84 48

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